Friday, March 22, 2019

thoughts of video rental returns

shared by VJ Rabuy, her sister

One distinctive memory I have from high school is that of returning videos to Time Video (a much smaller version of a movie rental store like Blockbuster) on the day the video was due, sometimes a mere hour or two before the store closed.

Back in the late 90’s, before streaming movies was a thing, people used to rent movies, primarily on VHS tapes.

Cindy and Linh would often have one video each week, and we had two to three nights to view it. For the newer releases, we might only have one night to view it before the due date, since these movies were in higher demand.

Every so often, a video would be due, but Cyn wouldn’t be home to return it. In those cases, she got a hold of me, most probably on our home phone, and arranged for one of her friends to pick me up from the house to return the video.

So I got to ride with a friend who was a senior, to the video store and back, after nine o'clock at night. There was always a small victory in being able to tell her that we got the tape in on time.

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