Tuesday, April 2, 2019

thoughts of celebration and remembrance

shared by Marlo R. Beall, her sister

Today is Cindy's heaven anniversary, which is always a bittersweet day for our family. It's been 16 years since Cindy went to heaven, and we miss her every day.

My Dad and I attended mass at the Cathedral in Oakland; one of our aunts had offered the mass in Cindy's memory. It was a lovely mass, with a kind and caring priest celebrating, who also happened to pronounce our family's last name correctly during the mass intentions.

After mass, I lit a candle, and knelt for a few minutes in one of the little prayer alcoves on the side of the church. As I looked down, I saw an image on the decorated wall that looked like an intertwined "C" and "R". Although I don't know the religious significance of the image, it undoubtedly made me think of Cindy.

Later in the afternoon, we went to the cemetery, and Fiona tagged along for the first time. As I was driving home, I had a random thought, which connected back to the "C and R". It may sound a little cheesy, but the words "celebration and remembrance" came to mind. And celebrating Cindy's life and always remembering her is what I'll keep doing every day.

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