Saturday, July 22, 2017

thoughts of cinnamon toast

shared by Marlo R. Beall, her sister

Earlier today, Ava asked me if she could have some cinnamon. So we decided to make some cinnamon toast. She buttered the bread and we combined some sugar and cinnamon in a small bowl; we sprinkled it onto the bread, and popped it in the toaster oven. It was yummy!

My sisters and I would make both "sugar toast" and cinnamon toast when we were kids. It's funny that the girls hadn't been introduced to it yet as part of their childhood. Andrew and his siblings used to make cinnamon toast while growing up too.

Both the sweetened toast and cinnamon in general make me think of Cindy. Specifically, I always recall the song lyric from the beautiful song that Cindy's friend Abby wrote, and sang at her memorial services...

"Cyn... you're sweet like cinnamon, how I wish  I could see your face again..."

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