Tuesday, February 2, 2016

thoughts of little heavenly "hello's"

shared by Marlo R. Beall, her sister

I always appreciate subtle, serendipitous moments throughout the day, that I know are Cindy's way of saying hello from above. I encountered five of these different moments, just yesterday and today.

Last night, I was texting with a fellow softball mom about practice, and we learned that we were both Filipino; and we thought that was a fun coincidence. She later went on to tell me that her mom's name is Cynthia.

While at work this morning, there was an email announcement about a newly hired employee at our campus library, and her name was Cynthia too.

Later at work, I was walking through the hall after an unusually complicated counseling appointment, and happened to see a student who crossed my path who was wearing a (University of Kansas) Jayhawk hoodie.

Another email that I received today was from a colleague at another college whose name is Cindy. Her email had been sent at 11:52am (a time that I relate to Cyn, as described in a previous blog entry).

Between yesterday and today, I exchanged emails with my friend Aris (who is getting married this month), and he mentioned that he was including a photo from my and Andrew's wedding in his own wedding slide show. It's a photo of him, Carla, Cindy and VJ (also mentioned in a previous blog entry).

I know these moments are Cyn's way of reminding me that she's always with me; and that regardless of what is going on at any given moment during my day, there's always a reason to smile... so I do.

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