Thursday, July 2, 2015

thoughts of a cynbow

shared by Arlene Rabuy, her sister

So I was contemplating whether or not to share this thought of Cyn a few months back when I was in Washington. I wasn't sure until a few weeks ago when I had the awesome opportunity to hang out with Mar, Li'l Cyn and Ava one afternoon.

Over the past 12 years I randomly look up into the sky while thinking of Cyn, always during the day when the sun is out with some clouds surrounding it. Nine times out of ten, I see a "rainbow" (although not a product of rain and the sun) kind of just hovering near the vicinity of the sun. It just lingers for a few minutes, then disappears.

I feel like it's Cyn communicating to me that she’s thinking of me too. I wasn't quite sure how to describe this rainbow because I wasn't sure if anyone else could see it. Well, that afternoon when Ava was riding with me back to her home she said, "Hey ER, do you see that rainbow in the sky?"

It was of course a sunny day, and so I looked off to the side of the sun. Sure enough, there was a "Cynbow". I was so happy that Ava could see it as well. She even pointed out that it's easier to see it with sunglasses on. I took it as a subtle hint from my sister to share this thought.

So if you are ever enjoying a nice sunny day with a few clouds in the sky, look off to the side of the sun. Sometimes you may experience a "Cynbow", a sign that Cyn is thinking of you too. If you have sunglasses, put them on to help you see it better.

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