Friday, May 2, 2014

thoughts of random balloons

shared by Arlene Rabuy, her sister

While we were growing up, we owned a helium tank and kept it in the garage at home. So we could blow up balloons any time we wanted. We would make balloon arches (sometimes reluctantly), and would bring balloons to events or special occasions.

For whatever reason, one vivid memory I have of Cyn is of her blowing up balloons for a party. She was also good at making the arches, which isn't surprising given her talent with arts and crafts.

During one of Cyn’s memorial services, a random balloon stealthily entered the church. For some reason, when I noticed it floating quietly, it felt like Cyn had sent it. From that day on, whenever I see a random balloon flying in the sky, I'm reminded of Cyn and can't help but smile.

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