Tuesday, September 2, 2014

thoughts of apples and oatmeal

shared by Marlo R. Beall, her sister

While we were living together in LA, Cindy and I would often be in a hurry to get to campus in the morning. So breakfast was sometimes eaten on the go. One of our go-to breakfast meals was oatmeal.

We would microwave some instant oatmeal, then transfer it into a disposable cup, grab a disposable spoon, head out the door, and eat the oatmeal in the car, en route to school. It was typically plain oatmeal with added sugar, and occasionally the "fruit and cream" kind.

In an effort to reduce our use of sugar, Cindy started cutting fresh apples into little cubes and adding that to the oatmeal instead of sugar. Although it was time consuming (for her), it was a good idea, accomplished our goal, and tasted pretty good.

These days, oatmeal is still my go-to breakfast meal when I have to be out the door early in the morning. I have it at least twice a week, on the days that I go to work. And my flavor of choice is Trader Joe's apples and cinnamon instant oatmeal. It's quick, easy, tasty... and also another little reminder of Cindy.

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