Friday, April 22, 2011

thoughts of signs of new life

shared by Marlo R. Beall, her sister

Since Easter is one of those holidays that doesn't fall on the same day every year, it was sometimes hard to find a way to celebrate with family, especially while in college. Oftentimes Spring Break coincided with Holy Week, and sometimes it didn't.

I remember one Spring Quarter while Cindy was at UCLA and I was either in grad school or working, we decided at the very last minute to fly home for Easter. I have a couple of vivid memories of us driving home from campus discussing how we could go ahead and just go home, and then of us hopping on the computer to book our flights. I recall that it was one of those "why not?!" moments, when we heard ourselves saying that we wanted to go home, and then suddenly realizing that we should just do it.

When we were younger, my sisters and I would participate in the Children's Mass on Easter Sunday. We would either sing in the choir, be one of the readers, or even play a role in the Gospel reenactment. One of our favorite choir songs, I think it was called "Signs of New Life" or something close to that, was always fun to sing because it was sung in the repeat/echo style, and there were subtle hand gestures that went along with the lyrics.

A butterfly
An Easter egg
A fountain flowing in the park
These are signs of new life
The life of Jesus the Lord

And we sing to Him Alleluia
We give to Him our praise
And we sing to Him Alleluia
Glory be to Him
Glory be to Jesus the Lord

Every year I still break into this song at some point during Easter. My sisters and I will sing it together... loudly... laughing... giggling. I think rolling your hand up and down like mimicking water in a fountain is our favorite hand gesture. And like so many silly, wonderful, childhood memories, it makes us think of Cyn and smile while holding back tears.

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