Monday, June 2, 2014

thoughts of homemade yahtzee

shared by VJ Rabuy, her sister

During the last few weeks, I have been honored to attend several children's birthday celebrations. So it sparked a memory of a birthday party I attended in elementary school.

The party was for my friend Christine Francis in the first or second grade. It was fun to see my friends outside of school, and to take part in games, and eat cake. But the thing I remember the most about that day was playing Yahtzee.

I had never played before, and this particular set that Christine had was the Mickey and Friends Disney Edition. So when I got home, I could not stop thinking about Mickey Yahtzee. I had so much fun playing, and I wanted to play again.

You had to roll all kinds of combinations of Mickeys, the more Mickeys the better. And after that, the rolls were for Donalds, Minnies, Daisys and so forth. Five Mickeys was the best.

So before the weekend’s end, Cyn had created my very own Disney Yahtzee. It was impressive because she had constructed each die, making the cube out of yellow graph paper and drawing the corresponding Mickey friend on each face of the die.

She made all five dice and whatever else. Other than the weight, the dice were spot on. She played with me, she really made the game for me; and it was all made possible by Cyn’s prowess for seeing something and knowing, “yeah, I could make that.”

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