Saturday, February 22, 2014

thoughts of 31 flavors

shared by Marlo R. Beall, her sister

I don't remember just when it started, but one birthday tradition that our family has often practiced is that of celebrating by sharing in a Baskin Robbins ice cream cake. 

Although my sisters and I typically preferred ice cream flavors without nuts, I remember that one of Cyn's favorite flavors was Pralines and Cream.

I also remember a couple of times when our mom tried to discourage us from getting an ice cream cake, saying it was unnecessary and too expensive. However I think she just learned to accept it, since we would politely ignore her protests and get the cake anyway.

We've shared in a few ice cream cakes over the past few months, including a cake to commemorate Cindy's birthday last December.

Our mom even enjoyed a Jamoca Ice Cream and Yellow Cake creation for her own birthday, just this month. My sisters and I didn't remember there ever being a yellow cake option at Baskin Robbins before, so discovering that this year was like Cindy was sending us a little birthday shout out from above.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

thoughts of hoodies in the rain

shared by VJ Rabuy, her sister

Cyn didn't use umbrellas. It's not that she had an aversion to them, she just preferred her hoodie.

It kind of makes sense; she usually had her backpack on, a sports bag over her shoulder, along with her purse over one of her arms. It seems to me that an umbrella was just one more thing to fiddle with.

So... this morning, as I braved a much needed California rainy day, I stepped out of the house and continued on, choosing not to go back to the house for my umbrella.

I didn't worry about the raindrops hitting my head. I took a pass on my umbrella, and thought for a moment of Cyn in an oversized, black, hooded sweatshirt.