I don't remember just when it started, but one birthday tradition that our family has often practiced is that of celebrating by sharing in a Baskin Robbins ice cream cake.
Although my sisters and I typically preferred ice cream flavors without nuts, I remember that one of Cyn's favorite flavors was Pralines and Cream.
I also remember a couple of times when our mom tried to discourage us from getting an ice cream cake, saying it was unnecessary and too expensive. However I think she just learned to accept it, since we would politely ignore her protests and get the cake anyway.
We've shared in a few ice cream cakes over the past few months, including a cake to commemorate Cindy's birthday last December.
Our mom even enjoyed a Jamoca Ice Cream and Yellow Cake creation for her own birthday, just this month. My sisters and I didn't remember there ever being a yellow cake option at Baskin Robbins before, so discovering that this year was like Cindy was sending us a little birthday shout out from above.