10 years! It seems a lifetime ago in some ways, and in others the memories feel like they were lived yesterday.
Today's your 34th Birthday Cyn - you always had such mixed feelings on your birthday. The proximity to Christmas always meant that it was hard for folks to separate their thoughts around Christmas with also taking time to greet you.
It's funny how memories of you ebb and flow throughout a year. The other day I was staring at my digital frame on my dresser and a picture of you popped up - must have been your little reminder to me that your birthday was coming up and that I shouldn't forget.
I'm a different man than I was 10 years ago - I think I'm better with managing the "lost dogs" in my life. I have two little boys that depend on me now and I always try to teach them that the world is a better place with just a please, thank you and a smile - same as you taught all of us.
In my selfish moments, I wish you were here on earth so I could get your advice on how to navigate life - but then I reflect deep inside and somehow the right answer always surfaces.
I hope your birthday party in heaven is amazing today; full of warmth, light, and surrounded by all those other angels.