Thursday, September 22, 2011
thoughts of a fondness for turtles

Friday, September 2, 2011
thoughts of a gift of summer
shared by VJ Rabuy, her sister
As the days get shorter and the nights grow colder, I think about the last few days of summer that remain. One of my best loved memories of summer and of Cyn involves a toe ring she gave me on the Santa Monica Pier so many summers ago.
When I visited Cyn, Marlo and Carla the summer before Cyn's sophomore year in college, she gave me a little bitty baggie which held a silver piece of jewelry much too small to fit my littlest finger. I asked her what it was and she said it was a toe ring. When I recently saw one of my hula sisters wearing a toe ring, it made me think of my own.
I can't quite remember if it was that same day or maybe a few days later at the 3rd Street Promenade, but she brought me to the kiosk where she found my toe ring. It was a thin silver band that didn't quite meet in the middle but that had a pair of swirls on both the top left and the bottom right sides. It was slightly flexible, so depending on how fat or skinny your toe was, it could be adjusted accordingly.
So, for that summer and at least the two that followed, I had that small silver adornment for my 2nd toe. I wonder... what ever happened to that toe ring?