Cindy loved kids. In college, she was involved with several activities mentoring kids, including Bruin Partners and UCLA UniCamp. In high school, she taught CCD/Sunday School for preschool kids at our church, and she often worked as a babysitter for families in the neighborhood.
There are also a lot of cousins in our family, more than 30 of us, and all first cousins. Since our parents are both the first born in their families, my sisters and I are on the older end of the cousins spectrum. So growing up, we always had younger cousins to play with; we would often babysit them and we changed a lot of their diapers.
Just over a month ago, we were blessed with a wonderful new addition to our family. Carla and Mike had a baby girl named Michaela Trinity. With a newborn in the family, it reminded us about how Cyn would often say that she thought babies... were... kind... of... boring. It's a funny, endearing and silly sentiment. She would say that "babies don't really do anything". She enjoyed them much more when they were at least one year old or so, when they were more interactive.
Nowadays, I think that Cyn plays with babies a lot more than she used to. Many people believe that when babies start to randomly laugh or smile, it could be because they are being entertained by the angels that only they can see. I believe that. So I am quite confident that Michaela, along with her older sister and older cousins, have had their fair share of fun times playing with their Tita Cyn.